terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011

Campus Sustainability

I believe sustainability is no longer just an ideal since plans of a new educational system is in the works for a better preservation of our natural sources. In the course of this new educational implementation, students such as ourselves are the main point for a “new start”. For now, I want you all to excuse me for the lack of pictures. I couldn’t take any picture, though I don’t think it will be much necessary since we are all frequently seeing the problems surrounding us in and out our campus. And for those, who are not aware of these issues for other reasons, I would like to apologize for the non-pictures content.
            In one of the Humanity Campus of our large University, things such as litter, violence, sound pollution and lack of a better system of trash collection are the problems inside and outside our walls. We cannot avoid the thought that we live in a big city fool of different people, from different places, with different backgrounds. It is necessary for us to be more perceptive about what is around our activities during the day, I know a lot of us still are adapting and getting conscious about what is “right” and what is “wrong” in this sustainable way of life.
            But here, in this short essay, I would like to approach a disturbing subject which some people may not agree it is a problem – sound pollution. I believe, of course, we need some days of fun and music in the campus, but not during classes. I am not against music and fun during events, though I am against it during the days and time students are having classes. So, for this problem, it would be really nice if it was only done during events or during our country’s holidays and holydays. Music definitely brings people together then why do not do it when we are supposed to be out of our students’ cares? Why does it have to be during nocturnal classes? Most of these musical moments happen to be during night. The loud music bothers and takes attentions away.

            Once and again, I am not against music in campus. Though, I am pretty sure it would me respectable to think on the ones watching classes. As we all say “there are days and days”, and I believe classes days are not supposed to be disturbed by loud music. 

Post Author: Natyelle Guedes

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