terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011

Trash at UFC

As everybody knows we have a big environmental problem right here around the university. I’m talking about trash. In my opinion I think that we don’t have a program for show the students and the community the relevance of act of throwing trash in the trash. I guess that is a simple behavior, everybody knows about the danger that the trash brings for the human beings, like diseases and infections. When you have a lot of trash accumulated it can clog the culverts in the winter. That’s why we have a lot of problems occasioned by the trash.
But isn’t it funny? We’re the principal guilty; we are who litter the streets. Most of that trash is compound for papers, plastic bags, plastic cups and newspaper. Inside of the UFC campus we see many garbage cans, but around the university on the sidewalks, unfortunately, we don't find any. So, in the end, maybe for some people is more easy to throw the trash on the street when actually this attitude just worsening the problem with trash. All we need is a polite attitude and I’m sure that being polite doesn’t hurt anybody.
So, there are some simple solutions for the waste problem, the University  can promote programs,  showing that the trash can be bad for us because it attracts animals and insects which can transmit diseases . The University  also can stimulate recycling of the trash, Promote more lectures about the environmental issues, workshops teaching what we can do with some things like plastic bottles, milk boxes, cans of soda. Many these things can be exploited and transformed in toys, boxes of jewelry, decorative objects, t-shirts and many things. I think that big solution is showing the population that  a simple attitude can change this reality. 
Interviewing a student:
·         What do you think about the trash at UFC?

Ricardo: I can realize that there are many cans of soda, water and other kind of trash around our campus, but I think that is not justification to say that only UFC has fault in this case. Many people throw their trashes in the ground. We have to think about our acts against our environment

·         What kind of solution do you suggest for this problem?

Ricardo: Doing campaign to do the people make themselves aware about the problem.

·         What do you think about the people that throw garbage on the ground?

Ricardo: It is not a good thing to do. When you throw garbage on the ground, you automatically prejudice yourself. Let´s be more responsible.

Post Author: Rebecca Correia

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