terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011

Water Wasting X Water Absence

We students, live a big problem related to the water at Benfica UFC campus. I started to notice that the water is a problem since the beginning of this year. I realized that the water was always missing in the afternoons. And I checked in all drinking fountains and all of them were in the same situation. What’s the problem?  I thought. Well maybe all this water absence is the result from the water wasting with plants watering and faucets leakage of water. The restrooms almost never have water in the afternoon also. Sometimes just 2 or 1 of the large number of restrooms that we have in the campus are working. Maybe if the responsibles for the water management take an attitude and, if we students expose this situation for everybody this problem would be solved.
Another thing could be done. The management also could care of the drinking fountains which are almost always leaking water.

Post Author: Ítalo Tavares 

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